African Union and Transitional Justice: Healing the Past and Restoring Human Dignity
In February 2019, the African Union (AU) Assembly of Heads of State and Government formally adopted the African Union Transitional Justice Policy (AUTJP), which outlines a broad range of processes for addressing the legacies of past violations and mechanisms for building peaceful, inclusive and stable societies. The AU’s adoption of this policy is a unique innovation, as it is the first time in its history that the African continent has enumerated and institutionalised its own approach to addressing the past. Despite the adoption of the AUTJP there is a need for African governments and societies to engage and implement the policy at the national and communal levels. This book discusses a number of case studies and also assesses the role regional economic communities (RECs) can play in developing regional strategies to advise and guide their member states in promoting stable and democratic societies across the continent.
Author: Tim Murithi
Pages: 129