More than a space for interracial contact: Exploring the importance of the workplace for social cohesion and reconciliation in South Africa
The Reconciliation and Development Series is a multidisciplinary publication focused on the themes of peacebuilding and development. Peacebuilding research includes the study of the causes of armed violence and war, the processes of conflict, the preconditions for peaceful resolution and peacebuilding, and the processes and nature of social cohesion and reconciliation. Development research, in turn, is concerned with poverty, structural inequalities, the reasons for underdevelopment, issues of socio-economic justice, and the nature of inclusive development. This publication serves to build up a knowledge base of research topics in the fields of peacebuilding and development, and the nexus between them, by studying the relationship between conflict and poverty, and exclusion and inequality, as well as between peace and development, in positive terms.
Research in the publication follows a problem-driven methodology in which the scientific research problem decides the methodological approach. Geographically, the publication has a particular focus on post-conflict societies on the African continent.
About this Report
This report was developed by IJR’s Research and Policy team with the support of Brot für die Welt (BfdW). It was compiled by Elnari Potgieter, Senior Project Leader for the South African Reconciliation Barometer project, and Mikhail Moosa, Intern to the IJR’s Research and Policy team.
By: Elnari Potgieter and Mikhail Moosa
Pages: 28
Dimensions: A4
Date of publication: 2018