Advocacy Manual: A tool for articulating data-based advocacy and engagement between African CSOs and the African Union
This Advocacy manual is a resource developed for civil society organizations (CSOs) to distil essentials of advocacy and leader-ship practiced in different parts of the world and in varied cultures. The manual is designed to provide the tools and a concep-tual understanding of advocacy that will enable CSOs to deal with the demanding situations experienced in overcoming data resource disparity and achieving evidence-based advocacy for policy reform.
This manual offers practical tools and working definitions of elements of advocacy and the purpose is not to provide set an-swers to age-old questions but to apply the learning and experiences of CSOs and demonstrate the relevance of data-based advocacy.
This manual is the product of experience in the DGA Consortium members detailing relevant good practice pf data sources, data use and the impact of evidence-based data foe effective advocacy. It also offers conceptual and methodological tools to persons who wish to train civil society groups in the participatory planning of advocacy initiatives aimed at changing public policies and programs so that they benefit those in society who are conventionally marginalized.
Purpose of the training manual
The purpose of the training manual is to increase knowledge, skills, confidence and build the capacity of citizens and civil soci-ety organizations on evidence-based advocacy, and data driven advocacy. Through a combination of praxis and complemen-tary activities, trainees will have an enhanced comprehension of the key dimensions of advocacy and how to ensure effective advocacy with evidence-based data.
Target audience
This manual is intended for CSOs, partners of the DGA consortium, citizens, advocates, and activists at the national and local level as well as those working in academia; it provides evidence-based approaches to data driven advocacy.
Author: Nansata Yakubu, PhD
Pages: 111
Dimensions: A4
Date of publication: 2023