Human Development as a Pathway to Transformed and Peaceful Societies
Human development is typically considered a significant determinant of national progress and stability. In Nigeria, while the potential exists, structural challenges that affect governance outcomes, as well as social and economic opportunities for human advancement, have eroded the resilience of vulnerable communities and populations. The consequences have created a vicious cycle of violence and conflict which continues to undermine the potential to transform conflict contexts into peaceful societies. The use of the social contract lens to explain complex development challenges, such as entrenched inequalities, poor service delivery, environmental damage and weak institutions, presents options for policy and institutional interventions by government, supported by development actors, civil society, communities and the private sector to promote a more just, equitable society that prioritises peace and stability.
By: Emmanuel Bosah and Jaynisha Patel
Pages: 52
Dimensions: A4
Date of publication: 2022