IJR Policy Brief 35: Ensuring the success of the Central African Republic’s Truth, Justice, Reparations and Reconciliation Commission2024-05-15T23:06:25+02:00
IJR Policy Brief 34: National and regional responses to the Cabo Delgado crisis2024-05-15T23:07:45+02:00
“Youth Speaks – a visual collection of stories and reflections from Calitzdorp youth”2024-05-15T23:12:26+02:00
Brave Conversations: A Guide for Inclusive Anti-Racism Dialogue2024-05-15T23:12:08+02:00
IJR Policy Brief 332024-05-15T23:11:46+02:00
IJR Policy Brief 32: A test of trust2024-05-15T23:11:18+02:00
No peace without peace of mind: The impact of violent conflict on individuals and society2024-05-15T23:10:59+02:00
IJR Policy Brief 31: Central African Republic2024-05-15T23:10:33+02:00
IJR Policy Brief 30: State of the nation2024-05-15T23:10:14+02:00
Civil Society Participation in Peacemaking and Mediation Support in the APSA2024-05-15T23:14:13+02:00
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